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year 6 - owl class

our teachers and support staff

Mrs Masoero is our class teacher from Tuesday - Friday.

Mrs Turner teaches us on Monday.

Mrs Vinall teaches us on Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs Dunn, Miss Dunn & Mrs Williams are our learning support assistants.

What the children say...

"I love daily dash, PE and especially netball." - Lucas

"I enjoy more responsibility like being a Sports Ambassador. I also like guided reading." - Grace

"I love learning and maths." - George

"I like the tests as they challenge me." - Colby

"I love making things in the bush craft area." - Harry

"I love doing art as it improves my skills." - Riley

"I love all the residentials that we get to go." - Charlie K

"I enjoyed making the pouches in DT." - Charlie C



Rhos-y-gwaliau gallery

Learning Information

Here's some information about what we will be learning throughout this year in Badger Class.  For more information on the curriculum your child will be studying, please contact the class teacher.


We will be studying Stone Age to Iron Age.  Visits to Avebury Stones and the local Iron Age Hill Fort. Closely linked to Forest School experience of lighting fires, dying of materials, weaving and making spears.

Avebury Stones


We will be studying Extreme Earth. Focusing on climate and plate tectonics. Collecting local weather data.


We will be studying World War II. Focusing on he Battle of Britain, VE Day and local history of Greenham Common.

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