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We aim to encourage a love of sport amongst all our pupils, whatever their age or ability.  Throughout the year we enter sports competitions to develop discrete skills, cooperation and good gamesmanship.

We're proud to announce the quality of our school sports has been recognised by Sainsbury's school games and for 2023/24 we've achieved our Gold award! 

Click on the logo below, to link to our school page at Sainsbury's School Games, where you can follow all our teams and catch up with match reports!

Sports Councillors and Ambassadors

Sports Week 2024

Craze of the week

To encourage active play times and lunch times, our playground leaders have introduced 'Craze of the week'.  So far we have had a skipping week, a throwing week and a basketball skills week.



One of our very talented pupils has been awarded Primary Sports Performer of the year 2024 at the West Berkshire Sports Awards..  

Sports Gallery

Sponsored Walk

All children from years 2 to year 6 participated in the sponsored walk to Hampstead Norreys playing field.  We set off on the pathway near the village hall . We continued along singing songs and exploring the local fauna and flora until we stopped for lunch at Hampstead Norreys.  


Hermitage Primary School have a new sporting event on the calendar, Hyrox Fitness Festival.  Our fantastic Upper Junior team came 2nd overall, with Riley D, 1st in his group.  Well done!!

Daily Dash

Every day, each class participates in the Daily Dash.  To increase benefits and motivate, each class nominates a student who has shown commitment, enthusiam or motivation.  At the end of the week all the students are placed into a prize draw, where a student is chosen at random, during the Monday morning assembly to recieve a sport related prize.



Well done Jonathan for recording the most active minutes on Bursts!

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