Contact Us
For general enquiries, contact our Administrative Team, at or 01635 200355 (Option 3). This includes: Late arrivals, dinner money queries, medical appointments, admissions enquiries, DBS applications & data changes e.g: reporting a change of address.
To report an absence, call our 'Absence Line' on 01635 200355 (Option 1).
To check up-to-date club information, ring our 'Clubs Hotline' on the day - 01635 200355 (Option 2).
For financial enquries, including ParentPay, contact our Finance Team, at or 01635 200355 (Option 4).
For Rise and Shine Breakfast Club enquiries, contact Mrs Fifield on 07584 023334 or email on (During school hours, please leave a message and calls will be returned after 3.30pm)
For Sunshine After School Club booking & general enquiries, contact 01635 200355 or email on To speak to a team member during opening times: 07392 883918
To contact our Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO), Ms Jeanette Lynch, then ring the main switchboard 01635 200355 (Option 3).
To contact the Headteacher, Mrs Turner, then email
To contact the Chair of the Governing Body, Mr Ed Balch, then email
To contact the Vice Chair of Governors, Mr Andy Murray then email
Hermitage Primary School, Hampstead Norreys Road, HERMITAGE, West Berkshire, RG18 9SA
Tel: 01635 200355